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Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Bovine TB in Nebraska

LINCOLN – Nebraska Agriculture Director Greg Ibach today provided information on the status of bovine tuberculosis (TB) testing in the state. The update included details to wrap up the investigation into the June 2009 finding of two TB positive beef cows in a Rock County herd. Ibach also offered information in follow-up to a January announcement regarding NDA’s cooperation with South Dakota officials on the finding of a TB-positive beef cow in that state.“We are extremely pleased that after extensive testing, we did not find any additional positive cases of TB in association with the Rock County investigation,” Ibach said. “Unfortunately the disease has been found in association with another investigation.“I don’t believe this new case is indicative of a TB problem in our state,” he said. “I think it is representative of the vast scope of agriculture in Nebraska and the regionalization of the livestock industry. We are a major processor of red meat, and we are one of the largest cattle feeding states. Those factors mean NDA must exercise due diligence regarding disease surveillance and investigations.”

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